Wednesday, April 25, 2012

December Badge Chosen!

Wow!  Our December Moms group is almost complete, because we're officially starting to get some January EDD's! (Is time flying and creeping by for anyone else?)

A big shout-out and thanks to Cassoppea for hosting our December siggy badge poll this past month.  We had a ton of very adorable submissions, but our official winner is (drumroll please...):

I know you just can't wait to add this to your siggy, so here's the code you need to grab:
<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>
(Double bonus: This badge will link back here to our December 2012 blog!) 

To add this to your siggy, just:
  1. Go to "My Account" at the top of The Bump page
  2. Go to "customize your profile" on the right hand side (they make me log in again at this point - so click on the "login" tab)
  3. On the upper left click "Edit Avatar and Sig"
  4. Scroll down to the box that says "My forums signature" and enter the entire code above 
(Thanks again to Cassoppea for the instructions!)

Also - the designer of this badge is currently unknown, so let us know who to give kudos to - if you know!

::::UPDATE:::: Badge designer revealed!  Many, many thanks to Ladylec for designing this for us!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Congratulations, December Mommies!

Well, we're in that last couple of weeks or so (save for a few stragglers) of moms finding out they're due in December.  Congratulations everyone!  The main purpose of this blog is to organize us a bit. We'll have a running list of EDDs, a blogroll, a growing list of favorite links/recommendations - basically any dynamic information that will be difficult to consolidate and keep up to date on a message board.

For those that don't know, we have a private Facebook page if you'd like to join. It's separate from your news feed and you don't actually even have to be friends with anyone on FB if you don't want to.  If you'd like to join, ask on the December BMB to be added.

To get started with info on here, send an email to with the following info:

1. Bump username
2. EDD (please check the existing page to see if you're on there first!)
3. What # child this is for you
4. What "team" you're on (at this point - we're all Team Green because we don't know if we need Pink or Blue paint, but we'll update this as we go.)
5. Blog (if you'd like to share one)
6. If you'd like to be included on the Bumpie Brain Trust (basically, what do you have experience with?  Breastfeeding?  PgAL? Moms of 2+, 4+? Moms of Multiples? Photography? Organic/Natural? Tax Accounting? hehe.) so we can have an idea of who to page on our own board if we have questions. Let me know what area of "expertise" or interest you have!